

Runners have amazing stories to tell.

Those stories are healing stories and stories that help. Runningstories is a radio show broadcasting some of these stories and giving voice to runners from the Runforever Running club. The radio show is made in collaboration with Shmu-Aberdeen and the Media Unit at HMP & YOI Grampian.

The show is broadcast inside and outside the wall of the prison.




Runningstories #1 – HMP Grampian Prison, 22 February 2023

The dream of marathon running

In this conversation with Richard Skinner, prison officer at the Media Unit of HMP YOI Grampian prison, we discuss the running club started in the prison in February 2023. Richard is curious to know about marathon running and its mindset. Running marathons seems to imply the dream of running forever.

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Runningstories #2 – HMP Grampian Prison, 01 March 2023

Being a runner being a parent

Richard Skinner, prison officer at the Media Unit of HMP YOI Grampian prison, talks about becoming a runner to run with his daughter. In the conversation we become interested in understanding if there is a relationship between being a father and being a runner.

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Runningstories #3 – HMP Grampian Prison, 24 May 2023

The importance of Team running

In this conversation with Richard Skinner (Media Unit HMP YOI Grampian) and Dale Walker, we talk about one of the key aspects of a running club which is the sense of community that it brings. As reminded by elite marathoner Eliud Kipchoge, marathon running is team running.

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Runningstories #4 – HMP Grampian Prison, 12 July 2023

Being a Finisher

In this conversation with Richard Skinner, prison officer at the Media Unit of HMP YOI Grampian prison, we talk about the Finisher celebration event in the prison (7th June 2023) and continue our conversation about dreams. How can you measure a dream?

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Runningstories #5 – Shmu, 13 July 2023

The bridge between inside and outside

In this conversation with Sarah Igesund, Shmu – Adult Wellbeing Development Worker, we talk about opening a running club in the community at Shmu-Aberdeen for creating a bridge with runners from HMP Grampian prison.

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Runningstories #6 – Shmu, 10 August 2023

Long distance running suggests new paths for rehabilitation

With David Scott, ultra marathoner and founder of Fit like Joggers, we talk about long distance running. How this allows learning to take the race as a journey, pacing yourself, slowing down, becoming friends with others while moving side by side. Would this be a good path for rehabilitation?

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Runningstories #7 – HMP Grampian Prison, 18 October 2023

A marathon in 2024?

In this conversation with Richard Skinner (HMP Media Unit), we talk about the Festival of the 27th September at HMP Grampian and discuss what happened in the last months of the running club and what are the plans for the future. A marathon in 2024?

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Runningstories #8 – HMP Grampian Prison, 15 November 2023

Why am I running?

In this conversation with Stephanie Morrison (RGU and IFF), Gordon Martin and Richard Skinner (Media Unit HMP YOI Grampian),  we talk about the next Santa 10k run and share thoughts about the impact of the running club on people especially on their mental health. We don’t run just because we want to be fit. Sharing biographical stories show unexpected motivation and deep emotions at the hidden roots for why we run.

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Runningstories #9 – 19 January 2024

Transforming lives

In this conversation we had a special guest Kyle Greig, who is an elite runner, Scottish National Champion and fundraising manager of Athletics Trust Scotland. With Mark Hope (Chair Runforever), and Stephanie Morrison (RGU and IFF), we speak with him about the last event that Runforever has organised in HMP Grampian, the Santa 10k run and about what makes running a transformative and healing practice.

Athletics Trust Scotland has recently funded Runforever, thank you!

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Runningstories #10 – 08 April 2024

It’s more than running although it’s just running

In this rich conversation our special guest is Uche Osondu who is MSc Public Health and Health Promotion student at RGU Aberdeen. We speak about what attracted Uche to Runforever and we explore the notion of health from his experience and in relation to what we do with Runforever. Uche shares with us his practice of writing letters to himself as a practice for deepening isolation and solitude ( Uche's blog, A life in letters). This conversation would like to give expression to a different way of thinking to generations and imagine them as the fibers of a rope as anthropologist Tim Ingold suggests (Listen to The Young, The Old And The Generation Of Now).

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Runningstories #11 – 27 November 2024

Stories inspiring systemic change

This has been a first workshop hosted by IFF, a registered charity with a mission to enable people, communities and organisations to flourish as effective agents in powerful times. Together with the IFF community (around 10 people including Margaret Hannah former director NHS Fife and now IFF Director of Health programmes) and Runforever's friends (around 15 people), we offered Runforever as a starting point for opening conversation on prison and walls with the intention of creating awareness on our work and possibly insights not just on prison but in the related fields of health and education. 

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Runningstories #12 – 28 November 2024

Reducing Inequalities through our Healthcare Practice 

Stephanie Morrison (Occupational therapist/ formerly RGU lecturer in public health and health promotion (Aug 2001-July 2024). Honorary member of Runforever and IFF) talks about Runforever at this Health Promotion Event. In the webinar, panellists shared experience of some challenging contexts for health and explain HOW they have taken effective approaches which can help to address inequalities.

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Runningstories #13 – 14 January 2025

For a rehabilitation “with no finish line”

In this episode Jasmine Abbasi, Criminology Student at Napier University – Edinburgh, interviews Runforever CEO Paolo Maccagno for understanding the impact of Running-Based Rehabilitation programs in Scottish Prisons. Jasmine’s research aims to explore how running affect the physical and mental well-being of prisoners and people, community building, social integration, and challenges faced by participants involved in these programs. She is particularly interested in exploring the goals of Runforever program, the benefits experienced by participants, and any challenges faced in delivering the initiatives.

Listen to the FULL STORY!

Please get in touch if you feel like sharing your story!