Santa 10k Run 2023

13th December 2023

Santa 10k Run

On Wednesday 13th December,  Runforever organized a Santa 10k run at HMP Grampian.


We started like this, listening to Mary Oliver reading her poem Wild Geese. We were in a room of the Links Centre (education department) of the prison, around 25 runners, 10 prison staff and a few great friends and guests. Mary's words created a space for a different understanding of the race (and of life). “You do not have to be good” is the first line of the poem which could sound odd to the ears of someone waiting to listen more usual motivational words to prepare for competition.

Mary’s words moved many of us, probably everyone. 


Among others, Scottish National Champion and Athletics Trust Scotland manager Kyle Greig  ran with us bringing Santa hats for everyone. Prisoners of different bubbles mixed after a long time. The gates to the football pitch of our weekly runs have opened to allow for a longer route and more space ahead to enjoy. No words can describe what it was like. The ripple effect of what we did was felt throughout the prison.

Hopefully well beyond!


Listen to Runnningstories #9 about the Santa 10k run with special guest Kyle Greig