Runningstories #5

Runningstories #5

Shmu, 13 July 2023

The bridge between inside and outside

In this conversation with Sarah Igesund, Shmu – Adult Wellbeing Development Worker, we talk about opening a running club in the community at Shmu-Aberdeen for creating a bridge with runners from HMP Grampian prison.


Conversation: Paolo Maccagno with Sarah Igesund
Music: Kate Bush – Running up the hill, Spencer Davis – Keep on running, Bruce Springsteen – Born to run, Biagio Antonacci – Tu sei bella, Nancy Sinatra – These boots are made for walkin’

Broadcast on Shmu FM 99.8




0:00 song: Running up the hill, Kate Bush

4:50 Runningstories show trailer

6:30 introduction with Sarah Igesund

8:30 covid and impact in prison

9:30 Shmu working in prison too. People locked up for longer. Locked up rather than rehabilitating

10:50 “the first step” in the open. About the pilot project at HMP Grampian. Mirroring the NHS couch to 5k.

13:10 the social dimension of the running club

14:00 marathon to escape and regain trust in yourself

16:10 song Keep on running, Spencer Davis

19:20 running as a relational practice. Runningstories a way to give voice to runners and their unconscious.

23:45 music as the breath of running

24:00 doing chores and listening to music

26:40 the fun run at the end of august

27:20 introducing italian song “Tu sei bella” by Biagio Antonacci and the sense of community it inspires

28'00 song Born to run, Bruce Springsteen

33:30 the fun run continuation and opening a running club at Shmu

35:15 David Scott and Fit like joggers invited to the next runningstories radio show on Thursday 10th august

36:50 other activities at Shmu about health and wellbeing

39:00 what happened in prison at HMP Grampian. Finisher event at the beginning of June 2023. In a marathon youare a finisher. Running in a team. Pace creates connection between people.

43:00 song Tu sei bella, Biagio Antonacci

48:10 about words in the song and how words fly. About oral cultures.

50:00 running is a way of doing music. The way to sing is to run. Opening a running club not to teach (not bringingtechniques) but to share, inspire people to run. At HMP Grampian showing youtube video from great runners toinspire runners.

54:00 song These boots are made for walkin’, Nancy Sinatra