Supporting RUNFOREVER 

Runforever is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation – Runforever SCIO (SC053581), founded as a non-profit organisation in March 2023. It promotes educational projects (based on marathon running and the Feldenkrais method® – awareness through movement) for humanising health care within prison environment and the community towards a future society fostering difference and variation. It aims at tackling the underlying causes of reoffending by interpreting a running club as a bridge between inside and outside the prison. It offers small actions participating in wider systemic change (in collaboration with IFF-International Future Forums). Runforever learns from the experience of the wall of the marathoner to suggest ways for living and thriving through these walls in prisons and communities.

Read below about Runforever current programme for 2024 for more information about what we do. 

Your donation, great or small, is important and can make a difference. 

Thank you.

Runforever programme 2024

Mentoring prisoners towards health


After one year of work, we feel that a collaboration at a deeper level has been established with HMP Grampian. We are now stepping into another phase of the project which more directly aims at being integrated with the new corporate plan of the prison towards a wider understanding of health which includes its social determinants (social inequalities/inequities and adverse childhood experiences) as suggested by the HMP Recovery, Health & Well-Being Strategy Group. This approach is coherent with Runforever’s philosophy offering educational and mentoring opportunities for prisoners to develop self-awareness through marathon running and Feldenkrais, helping them in their path towards health and recovery. Runforever’s programme for 2024 continues in this direction of travel which aims at humanising prison care/health care.

  • Transition to deliver the running club through education and Fife college within the prison in line with our aims and understanding of running as an educational activity.
  • Running sessions every week on Wednesday at HMP Grampian
  • Series of running races and fun runs through the year to motivate runners, including HMP-New York marathon next November!
  • Jog leaders mentoring course in collaboration with Fife College – training course for prisoners to learn the skills for mentoring other runners within the prison (on the basis of the Jog-leader training course, and working towards Jogscotland qualification)
  • Runningstories – radio show with Richard Skinner (HMP Media Unit) –
  • Photovoice with Stephanie Morrison (RGU and IFF) –
  • Screening event “26.2 to life” at HMP Grampian –
  • Participation to “Inspiring Change” Scottish Public Health Conference – 1st May 2024, Accepted presentation: Marathon running in prison suggests new paths for humanising prison care/health care.
  • Series of workshops with RGU, SUPN (Scottish University Prison Network, and IFF (International Future Forums, Marathon running in prison suggests new paths for humanising prison care/health care.
  • New Feldenkrais course for runners and non-runners at HMP Grampian (subject to securing additional funding).
  • Helping the transition back to social life for ex-offenders by facilitating links to running clubs outside (in collaboration with Outreach, HMP Recovery, Health & Well-Being Group and Shmu).

Read more details about the Programme for 2024 here


Please consider supporting RUNFOREVER

Your donation, great or small, will support this next step.


Thank you!